In 2024, we celebrated 30 years of church planting and campus ministry. What began in three nations has expanded to over eighty, a testament to God’s faithfulness and your invaluable role in this mission.
Your generous partnership has enabled church planters and campus missionaries to make disciples and raise up leaders, bringing hope and transformation to communities and campuses worldwide. Churches have impacted their cities with the gospel by meeting both spiritual and practical needs. Leaders have started new ministry work in nations where we currently don’t have an Every Nation church. God’s unwavering faithfulness has been evident at every step of this journey, and we look forward with anticipation to what he will do next.
As you read this Year in Review, may you be encouraged to continue believing God for more miracles. Together, we can expand into new nations, equip more leaders, and see even greater transformations as we advance the gospel to every nation and every campus.


8 nations with new
Every Nation ministry work:

- Egypt
- Iceland
- Madagascar
- Maldives
- Morocco
- Mozambique
- Switzerland
- Tonga
Evangelism on Campus in Lima, Peru

“Campus ministry is important because there, the future leaders of tomorrow are being formed.”
—Elizabeth Linares, Campus Missionary at Vida por Vida, Lima, Peru
Elizabeth Linares, an Every Nation campus missionary in Lima, Peru, knows that God has prepared the way for disciples and leaders to rise up at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.
In previous years, their campus team has run into closed doors on campus and in bringing students to church. As they persevered and prayed for the next generation, God granted them a unique partnership with the university. Elizabeth and her team can now host workshops on campus that have led to gospel conversations, salvations, and baptisms.
She says,
We have been able to see students who previously considered themselves agnostics [or] atheists, and today they are disciples of Christ.
In addition to opening doors for missionaries to preach on campus, God secured a meeting location for a church plant to meet next to the university. This proximity makes it easy for students to come and get established “in faith, in the word, in prayer, and in the church.” Our campus team in Lima is training new student leaders to boldly live out their Christian faith and share the gospel. These students recognize that God has life-changing power that can really transform their campus and society.
As Elizabeth and the campus team in Lima reach students at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, a university with over 44,000 students, we’re standing in faith for two other nearby universities: the Universidad Nacional del Callao and the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Let’s believe that student leaders will take the gospel from one campus to another. As we change the campus, we can change the world.
“As we reach the students in these campuses, we are reaching the future leaders of our nation, and as we reach the students, we are also reaching their families and communities.”
“We desire to reach the next generation and teach them to make disciples in every nation and every campus.”
“Campus ministry is the space for the next generation to be able to encounter Jesus in a way that often they don’t get to do in other spaces.”
A Plentiful Harvest in Cambodia
Roughly 3% of Cambodians practice Christianity, but our Every Nation church there is growing, making disciples, and planting more churches throughout the nation.
What started as a mission trip from Every Nation Philippines has grown to two churches in Phnom Penh, the nation’s capital, and one in the province of Battambang. Sermons are preached in both English and Khmer, allowing native Cambodians and visitors alike to experience God’s power.
After Joshua Manh, our Every Nation senior pastor in Cambodia, encountered God through missionaries, he knew that the rest of his nation needed the power of the gospel. He was equipped and empowered to lead, and despite the resistance Christians there may face, he’s seen people hungry for discipleship. He says,
Even through this persecution and the challenges of preaching the gospel, we [have] seen the power of God still moving and working in the life of the Cambodian people.
As a campus-reaching church, Every Nation Cambodia disciples students at the top three universities in Phnom Penh. Campus missionaries evangelize on campus every day, raising up student leaders who boldly share their faith with their peers.
Recently, three Cambodian college graduates answered the call to full-time campus ministry. This is an answer to a prayer that Jesus gives us in Matthew 9:37–38. “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”
God is answering this prayer in Cambodia, and we’re standing in faith that more people will come to know Christ. Joshua says,
Jesus promised that he will build his church. So let us continue to be faithful in serving him by preaching the gospel and making disciples and raising leaders that transform the nation.

Developing Leaders for the Nations
In order to grow and sustain campus ministry and church planting, we must continue to equip leaders for global mission. While leadership development primarily happens in the local church, we have regional and global opportunities for students and church leaders alike to build strong theological and ministerial skills.
Divine Connections for Ministry in Cuba
Jesus’ command in Matthew 28:19 instructs us to “make disciples of all nations,” and while some mission fields can present barriers to the gospel, God is able to make a way.
Cuba, a creative access nation in the Caribbean, is one place where churches are restricted yet Jesus is being preached. Through people at their church and other Every Nation churches, HighPoint Church in Orlando, Florida, has made strategic connections in Cuba that have opened doors for missionaries to come and minister. Heather Hunsicker, missions pastor at HighPoint, has been taking mission teams to Havana, Cuba, since 2016. These teams have relied on God to open doors locally for evangelism and opportunities to serve.
Heather says,
Even though Cuba is a creative access nation, God is also creative, and he specifically has appointed and directed our steps every time we’ve been there.
In Cuba, ideologies that could challenge the local system—including Christianity—are closely monitored and can face legal and social persecution. Churches must be registered to be considered legal, and there are restrictions against large groups meeting together. Even so, Heather and her teams have done street evangelism, sports ministry, children’s ministry, mental health seminars, and have even sat with local church leaders to encourage and equip them.
HighPoint Orlando focuses on recurring trips to Cuba, and each time Heather returns, she sees not only growth but retention. Cubans who give their lives to Christ stay connected to the local Christian community and are growing in faith and leadership. In July 2024, 43 short-term missionaries went to Cuba, and together with local believers, they were able to preach the gospel and help raise up new disciples. Heather says,
As an Every Nation family, we get to be a part of literally changing generation after generation after generation, and seeing the legacy of those generations be one that is one of hope and a promised future in Jesus.

“It is the plan of God for the light of the gospel to be heard in every corner of the earth.”
“What I’m trying to do is really lay the groundwork here so that the whole church in India will be blessed, and from here we’ll send out leaders to other church plants.”
“The most effective form of evangelism has been the planting of new churches. . . . As these new believers are discipled and new leaders are being raised, we see a lasting gospel impact throughout cities, neighborhoods, campuses, and families.”

What’s Next?
For the past thirty years, we’ve seen God open doors for the gospel. As we look ahead to 2025 and beyond, we’re believing God for more.
Mission 2029 is a global expansion strategy to establish campus-reaching churches in 20 new nations by 2029.
Regional leaders have identified 44 target nations for Mission 2029, including 8 with active outreaches.
Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Bahamas, Brazil, Cameroon, Congo DRC, Cuba, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, Finland, Guatemala, Honduras, Iceland, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Kenya, Kiribati, Lebanon, Lesotho, Libya, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Maldives, Morocco, Mozambique, North Korea, Norway, Palestine, Rwanda, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Switzerland, Syria, Tanzania, Tonga, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Vanuatu, Yemen
Pray for:
Local churches to be apostolic and send missionaries and church planters to nations without an Every Nation church.
International students to hear and believe the gospel, be equipped and empowered to lead, and be sent back to their nations to plant campus-reaching churches.
Global initiatives to connect and strengthen local church efforts to plant campus-reaching churches in new nations.

More Stories
Our mission has a global scale, but our real impact is measured in the lives of those who hear the gospel, become disciples of Christ, and go on to share their testimonies with others.
Compassion and Discipleship in Cambridge, Massachusetts
“As we move forward to care for our communities, Christ will give us the grace to not only do it well but to love doing it.“ Watch how Aletheia Church Cambridge in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, is displaying Christ’s love to their community and beyond.
Reaching the Community in Trinity, Florida
“I think that we can create ways for the gospel to be obtainable for everyone.” Watch how our Every Nation church in Trinity, Florida, is reaching the special needs community in their city and making disciples.
How a Church in Cambodia Is Raising Up Leaders
“We believe that the only hope for the people of Cambodia is the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Watch how our Every Nation church in Phnom Penh is reaching locals with the gospel and empowering them to reach their nation.