Act Like a Man

“So be strong, act like a man!” – 1 Kings 2:2

Act like a man and join the revolution. It’s time we take back our manhood.

This country needs men who will stand for what is right. Men who will not bow down to what is easy and comfortable. This book is a great wake up call for men to take their place and know who they are in Christ. I highly recommend this book for boys who want to be men and for men who want to be men in their homes and offices!
- Marvin Germo, Mr. Stock Smarts

This book clearly redefines our paradigm of the ideal man. It spreads itself across all areas of our lives and is subtly rich in biblical references and life changing facts. It’s a no-nonsense, thought-provoking and eye-opening guide to manhood. It makes you look at your life from a different perspective and gives you a meaningful spiritual insight on how to act not just like a man, but like a real man of Christ.

Joe D Mango, DJ of the Radio Show Love Notes

From boyhood to manhood, this is what this book is all about. Becoming a real man is not automatic, but it must be deliberate and strategic. I thank God for godly men who mentored and trained me to become one. If you do not have someone to mentor you, allow Dennis Sy to help you and guide you the ABC's of manhood. From being a single to dating and courtship, to marriage and even raising your children. This book is full packed with godly principles and advice on how to become a real man.

Chinkee Tan, Mr. Chink Positive, best-selling author and speaker

Pastor Dennis understands that if a man seriously embraces God’s design for him, that man will be more secure and so will the women and children God brings to his life. In this book, he simply and clearly writes about God’s purpose for man from a biblical perspective. He writes about man as king, warrior, mentor, friend and more. Reading through this book made my heart hopeful that there will be more and more men who will rise up to live and fulfill what God has called them to be. Read this book and gift the men you know with a copy. They will thank you for it!

Coney Reyes , Award Winning Actress

Thank you, pastor Dennis for writing this book. It is a message that generations of boys need to hear. It removes excuses and challenges boys to become Men. Boys like an adventure, what better adventure can a boy embark upon that finding their manhood. It's time to man up!

Lee Concepcion, Two-time Swimming Olympian

If you're a man and think that you don't need to read this book, then think again. Because "pride comes before the fall,” every man needs to read Act Like a Man with humility and learn and re-learn what we need to know and do to "man up"! Because every Proverbs 31 wife needs a Proverbs 31 man, every husband needs to read Act Like a Man. Because our sons and daughters desperately need fathers who are man enough to hug their children, Dads need to read Act Like a Man.
All POGI men need to read this book to keep on being POGI! Read this and reap!"

Ardy Roberto, Best-selling author of Real Men are POGI

"One of the reasons why I am such a big fan of Dennis Sy is because of his no-nonsense, direct-to-the-point, honest and timely approach to successful living. Act Like a Man is a book which is so timely as many men have lost grasp of what true manhood is about amidst the hysteria of commercialism, pluralism, relativism and the many 'isms' of the 21st century. This is a highly recommendable book to all the men (and women) who needs an awakening on their true purpose in life."

Randell Tiongson, Philippine Daily Inquirer Columnist and Best Selling Author

“Act Like A Man” scratches where all men itch! I read through this book in a few hours (I could not put it down)- and found myself reflecting, praying and making decisions for my life-change. This is a must-read for every man (and every woman who has a man in her life) who wants to live in the full life that God planned for him. Thank Thank you for writing this book, Pastor Dennis!

Pastor Hiram Pangilinan, senior pastor of Church So Blessed

Dennis Sy

Dennis Sy is the senior pastor of Victory Greenhills and the author of three best-selling books: Rich for Life, Act Like a Man and Great Sex Book. He is taking up his Master’s Degree Program on Leadership at Wheaton College, Illinois.

He is married to Thammie Sy, a certified child labor coach, and has four kids of his own.

He also blogs regularly at