What we Believe

In addition to adhering to the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Chalcedonian Creed, we
affirm and uphold the following articles of faith without reservation.

Statement of faith


We believe in one God, creator and sustainer of all things. He is perfect and unchanging; completely loving, good, and holy; limitless in knowledge, power, and presence. God eternally exists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; one in essence, having the same divine attributes and perfections, with each person fulfilling distinct roles. Gracious in his eternal purpose to redeem a people for himself, God is worthy of wholehearted love and worship.


We believe God has spoken through human authors in the Scriptures, the sixty-six canonical books of the Old and New Testaments. The Bible is the only written, verbally inspired Word of God and is self-attesting, unchanging, and without error in all it affirms. As God’s authoritative, infallible, and sufficient revelation for life, doctrine, and practice, the Bible is to be trusted and obeyed.


We believe God created all things, visible and invisible, out of nothing, and all very good. He sovereignly sustains and governs creation for his glory and the benefit of his creatures. God created humans in his image, male and female, to know, love, and glorify him in covenant relationship and to serve as stewards of the earth. The first man, Adam, sinned against God, resulting in alienation, death, guilt, shame, and a curse upon the earth. Separated from God and subject to his judgment, all humans have inherited a sinful nature from which they cannot save themselves.


We believe in Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, incarnated for our redemption, born of the virgin Mary, fully God and fully man, one person in two natures. As our substitute, he lived a sinless life and willingly gave himself as a propitiatory and reconciling sacrifice for our sins on the cross. He died, was buried, rose bodily on the third day, ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God the Father as the only mediator between God and humanity. One day he will return again to judge the living and the dead.


We believe the gospel is the good news that God became man in Jesus Christ to reconcile lost people to himself. He lived a perfect, sinless life on our behalf and died on the cross for our sins. He was buried and on the third day rose from the dead, securing our redemption forever. Having triumphed over Satan and the forces of darkness, he ascended into heaven as Lord of all. Everyone who repents and believes in him receives forgiveness of sins and eternal life.


We believe that salvation, planned in eternity and promised throughout scripture, is God’s gracious act of rescue whereby he delivers lost and sinful people through faith in Christ’s redemptive work. Because of his great love, God makes people spiritually alive in Christ through regeneration by the Holy Spirit. By grace, God forgives and justifies people through faith, apart from works, conferring upon them all the benefits of union with Christ, including the gift of God’s righteousness, the indwelling Holy Spirit, and adoption into his family.


We believe in God the Holy Spirit, giver and renewer of life, sent to guarantee our promised future. The Spirit convicts concerning sin, enlightens to the truth, awakens to repentance and faith, regenerates sinners, and unites believers to Christ, making them partakers of the divine nature. By the Spirit’s indwelling, Christians enjoy God’s presence and fellowship. By being filled with the Holy Spirit, Christians are divinely empowered for witness and ministry. As they bear the fruit of the Spirit and exercise spiritual gifts, believers edify the Church and bear witness to God’s kingdom.


We believe God’s mission is to redeem a people for himself from every tribe, nation, and language and to restore creation for his glory. As the Father loved the world and sent his Son, and the Father and the Son sent the Spirit, the Triune God sends the Church into the world to proclaim the gospel, make disciples, and seek God’s justice and reconciliation in the world.


We believe in one holy, universal, and apostolic Church, the body of Christ of which Jesus is the head. As God’s holy people on mission, the visible Church is expressed in gathered communities where believers assemble to pray, worship, hear God’s word, receive the sacraments, and fellowship with one another. Through the ministry of his Spirit, faithful disciples, and biblically-qualified leaders, Christ builds and grows his Church.


We believe that water baptism and communion are the two sacraments ordained by Christ, visible signs of God’s covenant of grace. Baptism is the sacrament of entrance into the Church by which believers publicly identify with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. Communion is the sacrament whereby believers corporately remember Christ’s body given and his blood shed for their forgiveness. Sacraments are means of grace in which God is present, affirming his promises represented by the visible signs.


We believe that sanctification is the process, beginning at regeneration, whereby God conforms his people to the image of Christ through his Word and Spirit. By grace, Christians grow in holiness and love for God and others throughout their lives as they submit to Jesus, obey God’s word, and walk by the Spirit in fellowship with other disciples.


We believe that Jesus, the King of kings and Lord of lords, will return to earth bodily, in power and glory, at a time fixed by the Father and unknown to the Church, to raise the dead and judge the world. He will clothe the righteous with immortal, glorious bodies, rewarding them according to their deeds. But the unrighteous, Satan, and the forces of darkness he will punish with eternal destruction. God will consummate redemption and renew creation, and his people from every nation will enjoy, worship, and reign with him forever.



Marriage is the exclusive union of one man and one woman, and sexual activity should occur only within that union.


God created every person as male or female, with equal dignity and worth, and these two distinct biological sexes together reflect the image of God.


God created us in his image, and every person, from conception to natural death, possesses inherent dignity and immeasurable worth—including pre-born babies, the aged, the physically or mentally challenged, and others marginalized by society.


We celebrate the contributions that both Calvinists and Arminians have made to the advancement of God’s kingdom, and because we recognize their many points of agreement, we will not let the differences divide our global family.


God created all humans in his image, and he is glorified when people from every ethnicity, culture, and language demonstrate to the world unity with diversity in Christ.


We affirm and encourage women in all areas of ministry while recognizing the local church’s role in implementing this affirmation with wisdom according to its regional, cultural, theological, and social context.

Stories from around Every Nation

Our mission has a global scale, but our real impact is measured in the lives of those who hear the gospel, become disciples of Christ, and go on to share their testimonies with others.

Compassion and Discipleship in Cambridge, Massachusetts

Compassion and Discipleship in Cambridge, Massachusetts

“As we move forward to care for our communities, Christ will give us the grace to not only do it well but to love doing it.“ Watch how Aletheia Church Cambridge in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, is displaying Christ’s love to their community and beyond.

Reaching the Community in Trinity, Florida

Reaching the Community in Trinity, Florida

“I think that we can create ways for the gospel to be obtainable for everyone.” Watch how our Every Nation church in Trinity, Florida, is reaching the special needs community in their city and making disciples.

How a Church in Cambodia Is Raising Up Leaders

How a Church in Cambodia Is Raising Up Leaders

“We believe that the only hope for the people of Cambodia is the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Watch how our Every Nation church in Phnom Penh is reaching locals with the gospel and empowering them to reach their nation.